Blog Mining Using Search Engine Optimization and Machine learning
The blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. Blogs consist of a series of posts where posts are archived, and are usually sorted into categories. Bloggers identify the sentiments, both positive and negative opinions about the topic to understand and present public views in detail. Readers can browse these categories through the blog to read older entries. It does typically involve searching and analyzing blogs in order to generate additional insights and acts asan information source for the user’s ideas. Blog Mining provides a capability of processing large amounts of text data effectively, blog mining can be a valuable method for gaining insights into a given topic. This study of blog mining is used to analyze and search the online blog posts relevant contents in a quite simpler fashion In this, providing three main features to the website, where it will most helpful to Blogger’s and Reader’s as well, they are:
1. Blog Mining 2. Text Summarization 3. Search Engine Optimization
Providing a platform to Blogger’s and Reader’s. Where the blogger will continually post new content orinformation in the Blog and readers will check them frequently and gain knowledge or information from the blogs. So, we created a website for both of them, where bloggers have a separate account in the website, they can login and update/write the content and readers can go to the home page directly to view the blogs of bloggers. Here we are creating a Techie Blog website.
Keywords- Blog, Blog-mining, Machine learning, Latent Semantic Analysis, Search Engine Optimization, Hummingbird, Panda & Hybridization.
“Blog Mining Using Search Engine Optimization and Machine learning”, Dr.V. Shanmukha Rao1, Vikram Pagadala2 , MD. Ibraheem3 , CH. Roop Kumar4, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), ISSN: 2582-3930, Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June – 2022, DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM14235,